Docker Registry镜像缓存加速搭建:一次性解决国内无法访问问题

准备环境 一台国外服务器 服务器拥有完整的docker环境 拉取镜像创建容器实例 准备系统环境配置 创建目录 cd /home mkdir dockerhub cd dockerhub mkdir data 准备配置文件:/home/dockerhub/config.yml

[Linux]ban sshd fail Login IP with Generate ban list

Ban sshd fail login ip. package util import ( "fmt" "" "io/ioutil" "os" "sort" "strings" "testing" "time" )

[AI Draw]about lora train using [lora-scripts]

Recently, several targeted LoRA trainings were done using lora-scripts. LoRA Train Repo: CPU model: 13th Gen

[AI Draw]Based on lora-scripts, start from the initial taste

1.Basic environment Open source projects: Required Dependencies: Python 3.10.8 Git 2.Start using 2.1.Create

C# .NET Core Aspose.Words word remove black page

At the end of the Document object, use the remove blank page method. example:  private void RemoveBlankPage(ref Document doc)        {            if (